25 push-up 25 day challenge!
メンタルヘルスのための腕立て伏せ25日間チャレンジの25/2日目です. Jerry Toddにノミネートされました.
PTSD (外傷後のストレス障害), 不安とうつ病への意識を高めるために25日間の腕立て伏せ.
*ノミネートされたら, 翌日から25日間が始まります.
できるだけ多くの人に届くように. これを行うことで, 精神疾患に苦しんでいる人への意識を高めることができることを願っています. あなたは一人ではありません. 私たちはあなたのために
This is day 25/2 of the 25 push-up 25 day challenge for Mental Health. I was nominated by Jerry Todd.
25 push-ups for 25 days to continually raise awareness for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), anxiety and depression that drive people to commit suicide.
The rules are simple:
*Once you are nominated your 25 days starts the following day.
*Everyday you record yourself doing 25 push-ups even if you have to drop to your knees to get 25
*Every day you must nominate a different person.
Let’s reach as many people as possible.Let’s hope by doing this we can build awareness for anyone who is suffering from a mental illness, you are not alone and we are here for you!